Southern California
Garden Club
Established in 1927
An award-winning, Blue Ribbon Garden Club, that belongs to the San Fernando Valley District of California Garden Clubs.
​The Southern California Garden Club Objective is to create, promote and further interest in gardening, plant and bird life and appreciation of the natural beauty of the State of California. To encourage civic beautification and roadside development. To assist in projects for the conservation of our natural resources.

Monthly Meetings
Sepulveda Garden Center
​16633 Magnolia Blvd.
Encino, CA 91436
Board & Club Meetings
The monthly Board & Club Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of the month, except July and August.
A light snack is served by volunteer hosts at 9:30 am and the meeting begins promptly at 10:00 a.m. ​​
Officers and Committee Chairmen are required to attend the Board Meeting, however all SCGC members are welcome.
Sepulveda Garden Center
SCGC would like to invite you to join us in a long-wished-for endeavor to rejuvenate our cherished rose garden.
Click here to learn how you can help!


Gardening School
Series 27
July 10, 2025 to October 24, 2025​
Southern California Garden Club invites you to attend the National Garden Clubs Garden School. This is a series of four ten-hour courses offered by National Garden Clubs since 1958. This is the 27th series given in California. Courses are designed to stimulate interest in all phases of landscape design and to develop greater appreciation, pride and knowledge about residential, public and historic gardens. Click here for more information.